Thursday, May 13, 2010

What kind of lawyer do i need to get to fight a sexual harassment case against a federal facility?

I deal in this field, but answer a couple of questions for me. By sexual harassment, do mean the guys are asking you for a date, or do you mean that someone at your work place is making direct sexual verbal expressions or even touching you in a way that can only be described as sexual. Before I can give you an answer and direct you to the correct type of lawyer, I need your answer to those questions.

I am not asking these questions from a prurient point of view, but merely trying to get to a point where I can advise you. When you say ';laid his hands on you';, do you mean in a way that could be considered ';fondling'; or do you mean that he perhaps touched your arm the way some people that are touchy,touchy do. I am not keen on it myself but some folks have to touch you when they are speaking to you. These are the sort of questions that will be asked of you in a court and a lot more intimate questions will be put to you. So if you can answer those couple of questions, honestly and factually, then I think I can help you.What kind of lawyer do i need to get to fight a sexual harassment case against a federal facility?
One with experience in that field. A labor lawyer, usually, since sexual harassment involves employment.What kind of lawyer do i need to get to fight a sexual harassment case against a federal facility?
One with an endless supply of money like their opponent has.

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